Friday, May 31, 2013

Happies and Crappies

Hello loves!!! Im excited that I have a chance to post! I hope today goes by fast so you can all start your weekends. 

Today Im going to keep it short and sweet and link up for 


Caroline is the cutest and we are enjoying each second with her

Bailey is finally letting my mom sleep through the night. Hes always needy during the night when we are gone

Weve been spending our time watching kids shows...its been fun. Right now its Elmo

We are going for crawfish and headed to a waterpark tomorrow


My dad slept up north on Tuesday night so we didnt see him before we left. Which means I havent seen him since Monday

Its so humid that we have barely been outside since weve been here

Brian and I got separated on the first plane. I sat between two people. One being an older guy. He got so mad when all I all did was turn around in my seat to ask Brian a question. Then he took up all his seat and had his elbow sticking into my seat. My arm feel asleep from holding my arms straight. I starred at the seat in front of me the whole time. I didnt dare get yelled at again

We got to Louisiana about 45 minutes early. They were having a thunderstorm so we had to keep circling over Mississippi for an hour

We havent gotten Sonic yet....Im making Brian go today! :)

Thats all for this Friday. I cant wait to show you all the pictures weve taken

Who watched the Bachelorette Monday??? What did you think?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The day is here! .

The day we leave this...

and head to this...

I cannot wait to share our vacation with you all!!! 

I probably wont have access to actually post but then again I might, so be on the lookout! Feel free to email me if you'd like. I'd still love to hear from all of you :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Weekend recap! And some Bloglovin'

Although it was yesterday, Happy Memorial Day. Some of you are the wives of the wonderful soldiers who fight for our country, so please thank them.

While our weekends aren't usually that interesting, we have been going to the lake for the past few Memorial Days. Thats a definite. We were looking forward to again on Sunday. There's just something about the lake! Unfortunately this weekend just brought crappiness so we didn't really get to do much. The reason for the crappiness? This.....

Photo by krissygirl13

Yup, You're reading that right! It was 45 degrees on Saturday. Raining and windy. This was day 5 of rain. I'd say by 8pm it was 30. It felt like winter. Yesterday it felt like the same thing. I've had to bring out my sweatpants and long sleeve shirts again....Despite the weather we had some fun this weekend, indoors.

Friday was kind of a bore. The only fun thing was making this.....

It was really good and my mom says its healthy! If anyone wants the recipe let me know! 

Photo by krissygirl13

Saturday- we spent the afternoon/evening at my aunt and uncles. My cousins also went over and we planned our trip to Florida. I am so excited for all the fun stuff we are going to do. We are staying here...

 I kind of just sat there. Apparently if you want to actually sit down for dinner you have to book it now and you get a dining plan which can get confusing. I left that to my parents. In the meantime I spent time playing with this little guy. His name is Manny. 

Sunday proved us right and was crappy so we didn't go to the lake, which was ok because we had fun anyway. There's a place no far from us called Parker's Maple Barn. They make maple syrup and its oh so good. We went there for breakfast. The grounds that the restaurant is on are beautiful. They have a gift shop, a river behind, and a little place to get maple donuts (Brian's in love with them). They are so busy that its usual a very long wait. This time we waited an hour. 

This is the beautiful bridge they have. 

After lunch we took a ride to a few nursery's so my parents could look for plants. They are all about flowers and love to plant them in our front and backyard. We have a garden and arboretum. One place we went had flowers outside and a big indoor part. Which contained like all the bird feeders, food and everything you'd need to plant or put bird feeders. They had these little guys in a tub on the floor and we got to hold them!


They were so so cute!!!

We came home and spent our night watching the movie 

. Nicole Kidman is Keith Urban's wife...just an FYI :) We also had some drinks and ate nachos.

Yesterday was finally sunny and nice. Brian and my mom had to both work so it was me and dad. We spent time doing outside stuff and hanging out with Bailey. 

Last night was the Bachelorette!! Who watched it? It's going to be a interesting season!! 

Now I am off. Off to get a manicure!!

And.....I FINALLY got Bloglovin'. You can follow me here

Linking up with Sami

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Happy Memorial Day weekend!!! I hope its been good so far :)

Although Most of you dont watch the show, They posted a picture on Facebook the other day of the new Bachelors who will try to win over Desire's heart starting Monday....

This should be interesting....

Friday, May 24, 2013


Hey Lovely's!! It's finally Friday. While this may not be a huge deal for me because its just another day, for you all this Friday calls for a three day weekend!!! We're planing on spending our Sunday at the lake. I cant wait to introduce you all to our summer much fun!! Anyone have big plans? I'd love to hear them!

Today I'm linking up for the first time with Lauren for High Five For Friday!

Photo by krissygirl13

Got my hair highlighted. I love it! told her I wanted bright for summer! The second picture was taken back in 2005 when I had no highlights. Opinions? which looks better??


In love with my very first necklace! I know, I'm totally late to this game. I also got the white one!

I got them all but the black. I'm so excited to wear them!

I showed this on Monday but my two favorite girls went to their senior prom last weekend!

Pedicure this week. Loving the bright pink!

 photo H54Fbutton-triangle_zps678b65ba.jpg

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Promises and life lessons

Today I want to talk about promises. I've been taught by any that I shouldnt make a promise I cant keep. I'm not one to ask for much, from anyone but when I do, I make sure to give the person back something in return. Not everyone is like that and its sad. A promise isnt just words we speak. One of my favorite quotes is "say it forget it, write it regret it". Many people know they made a promise but they deny it. Sure I've mad a few promises that I probably shouldnt have. Promises can be anything. Giving back money, not getting too upset during an argument before thinking, not judging someone before getting to know them. So many things we promise ourselves everyday and dont even realize it. And thats the thing, the above promises have been made to ourselves. We need to make promises to ourselves before we can agree or promise someone else something. 

And thats what I want to talk about today.

I have family members who have a blog. Like that's what they do. They have an e-book and everything. I love going to their site everyday to learn from their lessons. You have to go stop by their site, even just once. I promise (and I actually do promise this time!) if you look hard enough you'll find something that you like. They also have facebooks with words of wisdom everyday. I love it! Today I want to bring you an article they wrote about promises you should make to yourself. 

Repeat after me: “I promise…”
  1. “I will accept everything I am, and everything I am not.” – Self-worth comes from one thing: thinking that you are worthy.  So be confident.  Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t.  Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are, and aren’t, that you will truly find happiness and success.  
  2. “I will appreciate others for who they are.” – Sometimes the way you think about a person isn’t the way they are.  On the outside, maybe they laugh, and maybe they cry; but you would be surprised at everything they keep deep inside.  So pay close attention, and love the people you care about for who they are, and not for who you want them to be.  In the long run, this is how you will get the best of them.
  3. “I will speak kindly and consciously to others.” – Open your mind before you open your mouth.  Don’t mix bad words with a bad mood.  Just be calm and deal with your emotions.  You’ll have many opportunities to change your mood, but you’ll have an extremely tough time recovering the words you have spoken.
  4. “I will speak kindly and consciously to myself.” – Wait, what did you just say to yourself?  Were they the inspiring, comforting words you would speak to a friend?  Or were they the belittling remarks you mightshout to an enemy if you had no heart.  Or the negative assessments about life you would utter if you had no faith?  All day long we speak silently to ourselves, and a part of us believes every word.  So stay mindful, and ask yourself, “If I had a friend who always spoke to me in the same way that I am speaking to myself right now, how long would I allow that person to be my friend?”
  5. “I will stop trying to control everything.” – I hate to break it to you, but you can’t control everything in your life no matter how many safeguards you put into place.  But thankfully, you don’t have to control everything to find peace and happiness.  It lives with you always, deep within.  More than getting into the nuances of control itself, you should be more interested in encouraging yourself to commit to giving it up, on purpose.  See what happens when you loosen your grip, throw your hands into the air, and allow life to just happen and flow as it does, without constant micromanagement.  Read The Power of Now.
  6. “I will appreciate the beauty of small moments.” – Positive minds live positive lives.  There is always, always something to be thankful for and something to smile about.  The happiest people are not those who get everything they want; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, notice and appreciate the beauty and sweetness of everyday moments.
  7. “I will do what I think is right.” – What comes easy won’t always last, and what will last won’t always come easy.  So do the right things, not the easy things.  Whatever comes your way, whatever battle is raging inside you, you always have a choice.  In the end, it’s the choices you make that make you who you are.  And no matter what, you can always choose to do the right thing.
  8. “I will grow from my challenges.” – You can be stunned, awakened, and changed by what happens to you, but choose to grow from it, and refuse to be reduced by it.  Repeat after me: “I am determined to live a happy life no matter my challenges.  I will turn all my tales of fury into tales of glory.  I will turn all of my tales of woe into tales of WOW!”
  9. “I will realize and use my power.” – The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.  In a world filled with doubt, you must dare to dream.  In a world filled with anger, you must dare to forgive.  In a world filled with hate, you must dare to love.  In a world filled with distrust, you must dare to believe.  And once you do, you will find that power you once thought you lacked.
  10. “I will follow the path my heart longs to take.” – Life is too short to live with regrets.  So love the things that make you smile, let go of the things that make you cry, and believe that everything happens for a reason.  Follow the path that your heart longs to take; it’s your time to shine.  If you get a chance, take it.  If it changes your life, let it.  You are far from what you once were, but not yet who you are going to be.  ReadThe Last Lecture.
  11. “I will have some fun while I’m doing it all.” – Some people frantically seek a predetermined definition of success as though their entire self-worth depends on whether or not they make it to the top.  Their goals and routines are wound tight around stringent routines that they repeat every single day without stopping to breathe.  And while discipline is important, think about how much better off they’d be if they unwound their vision just a little – like kite string – and ran with it like an optimistic youth, breathing and working, just for the joy of seeing if they can make it touch the clouds.

Toby's Tails

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blog Everyday and Tuesday Topics

Today I'm venturing out a little. Not as in physically going some place but I'm trying out a link up for the first time. I see so many do it and am excited to join!!

First though, I wanted to take a moment and grab the topic today for Blog Everyday in May. I know I havent done this in forever. Total fail! I liked today's topic though because I can go back and see what a bore I was when I first started blogging. Be glad you all weren't following me then!

Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

 I was so excited to share this recipe with you all. My mom does it in the crock pot and puts the Pillsbury rolls in as the dumplings. Needless to say, one of my favorite meals!

This was a tough post for me and I'm sure everyone else that wrote a post just like it. But I'm proud of it...Boston Strong!

This post makes me sound so innocent!  It also probably proves to everyone that I'm very boring lol. Its OK though, I'm actually proud of things I havent done!

Its better in the Bahamas...plain and simple!

I just love black moons !! So many of you didnt know what they were so I'm glad I could share this recipe. I hope you can find time to make it...totally worth it :)

My first Pinterest post...Shame on me, I know! I'm proud of my favorites for last week though :)

It's funny because this was maybe my 6th post or so when I first started blogging. I had no idea what I was doing at the time. This post was kind of inspired by another blogger at the time and I knew I wanted to do it but had no idea how to write it. Its a special post to me. I actually just sat here and re read it and let me say, I think its pretty good. It's an important post for anyone..some good life lessons. 

Those are some of my favorites! But I am proud of every post I've written. And am so thankful for you all who have made each post special!


Now, its onto my new link up. I just realized that the Blog Everyday Challenge had basically the same prompt so thats a win win!

Ten things that make you happy:

1) The sun and being warm- While its great that we can go to the beach or in the pool or tan, we need to be thankful for the sun. If it wasnt for the sun, we wouldnt really have summer, or any time of happiness because everyday would be boring

2) Bailey- He's just great and I love him! 

3) Brian- 5 years ago I never would of thought I'd be in the relationship I am today. Back then I felt trapped in a terrible relationship and always thought that I'd be alone.

4) The house I live in, the clothes on my back and every little thing Ive bought. I'm blessed and grateful for all of this. I pray that the people in Oklahoma stay strong and know there will be better days.

5) School- while I dislike the teachers sometimes and cringe when I have hours of homework, I wouldnt have it any other way. I feel thankful that I can actually go to school so that I can better myself and my future career

6) Being able to grow closer to the Lord and knowing that although it pains me, I can surrender my plan to him. He has a plan for me and I cannot wait to see what the future brings

7) Chocolate- do I even need to say why this makes me happy?

8) Feeling loved and knowing Im important- I have such a supportive and loving family. I think we all go through a time in our lives where we feel at a low point. Whether it be because of a choice we've made  or because we're struggling in areas of our lives. It's nice to hear that your important, your appreciated  I know I am every single day but the words mean alot

9) Being clean and organized- I've talked about how I'm a planner and neat freak. Brian thinks I'm crazy that I have to have things in place but no. Its a sense of satisfaction

10) Being content. I'll admit, I've had periods of time where I've been frustrated or have felt out of control. I try to remind myself during those times that times will get better. This is a stage in my life. Lessons can be learned during these times. Today I can say I'm content. Sure I may not have a job and may seem like one of those people that just sit on the couch  but no. I'm not. I might not be making it as big as most right now but thats ok. My time will come. Im enjoying the moments I do get to have now

Life. Love.Lauren

Monday, May 20, 2013


Happy Monday!!! Second to the last day of May to be exact. Does anyone else find that crazy? We had a great weekend geared towards our wonderful family. While we spend a good chunk of time with them during the summer, the impromptu times make it even better!!!

First off, how many of you are graduating this month or next? Congratulations in advance!! Now onto the weekend...

Friday- we actually relaxed most of the day. It was about 80 degrees so we enjoyed being outside. Brian and I went to lunch to "celebrate" him being half way done with his pilots test. Then we took Bailey for a walk. who knew a dog could walk that slow, seriously! We got subway for dinner. Has anyone tried their salads? They are so good! Salad is one of my favorites so I'm excited they make it.

Saturday- this was a fun day! We headed over to the Greek church for the Greek festival and snagged some yummy food! My great aunt and cousin are Greek and used to make all this same stuff years ago so it was nice to try some of it again. they had so many different kinds of food that you wouldnt go hungry. Are any of you Greek? While we spent about $30, my favorite part of that was this...

Photo by krissygirl13

In the afternoon we ran a few errands then went to see my cousin. She was attending her senior prom that night. Really? I still cant believe it. She was like 2 years old just yesterday. When you had your prom did you all (and the others that went to prom) meet at a spot before heading to the prom where you took pictures? I'm not sure how other high schools do it but hats what they did Saturday. Let me just say wow! Her class has 475 students in it and cramming them all in one spot was nuts. Plus you had to include all the families. I personally dislike where they chose to meet. Its basically a common in the middle of down town. See the picture below....that triangle thing is where they met. Not cool. They went to Boston for the prom. I'm so jealous!

Here are a few pictures...

Thats my dad. He's also her godfather

She's one of my best friends. Her dress was gorgeous!

those are my cousins grandparents and one of her friends. 

they've been best friends since 2nd. Neither had a date so they decided to go together!

Thats her mom! My auntie and godmother

they are my favorites!

Sunday- we booked our trip to Disney, woo hoo! We're going in December. I cant wait! We're staying right in Disney at the Port New Orleans or something like that. Brian cant come though...oh retail and your blackout dates! After that we got invited to a birthday party. My aunt (in the second to last picture above) had her birthday on Friday. My cousin had her 18th birthday yesterday. Prom and turning 18 in one weekend...big deal! We had fun. We got home just in time for it to start pouring. That turned into a night of books, wine and chocolate!!

Photo by krissygirl13

In case you missed the post on Friday, I've made a Twitter! For anyone who I already have as a follower, I just changed my username so it pertains to the blog! Feel free to stalk me :)

Linking up with Sami

Friday, May 17, 2013

I have an big announcement.....

No, I'm not pregnant or anything special like that lol. although I amt he worst blogger. I had something big to  say today and totally forgot on my last post.....

I have FINALLY made a Twitter. So.....go stalk me :)

Thats all loves! 

Friday letters and laughs

Happy Friday beauties!! Thank you for the kind thoughts on yesterday's post. I know my friend will love to hear them!!! Today I'm just going to give you some Friday letters and, hopefully, a few laughs. 

Dear Brian: I'm so glad you took half of your test today to get your pilots license. I hope the weather works in your favor next week so you can finish!! I'm kind of excited for this also because I wont have billions of papers and notebooks all over the place. Organization is the best policy!

Dear weather: I really dislike you. Yesterday was beautiful and today is also. But the wind and cold, my goodness. I'd love to take the dog for a walk but he'll probably get swept away by how strong the wind is. 

Dear Abnormal Psych Professor: why does it seem that I'm writing a letter to you every week. Lets be real here, school is done but that doesnt mean you can just not respond. No wonder the head of the department doesnt like you. I spent two hours doing our last test on Sunday night. I sent it in a few hours before it was due. I'd really love to know my grade. 

Dear Bailey: I hate the fact that you have a collapsing tracheal. It makes me sad when you cough or choke on treats even when they are broken up like last night. You're very stubborn though when it comes to drinking water to help fix the problem. Luckily we tricked you into drinking which worked. Bottom line, chew your food please!

Dear Comcast: Thank you for coming to give us a new router. I wasnt too thrilled about paying an extra $30 a month for internet on my phone when it wouldnt even connect. 

Dear Insurance people: While I feel blessed that we have you, I'm not to thrilled at how stubborn you are being. I appreciate that you cover the cost of all my medical bills and that you sent me a refund check for some odd reason but my parents are paying you to cover their medical bills to and you havent paid any of them. I'm pretty sure it shouldnt take 4 tries for you to receive papers via fax machine. Lets get on this and fix it, k? Thanks!

Dear Pinterest: How dare you get me sucked in. This is why I didnt go on you during school. Now if I could just jump on the bandwagon and do a project from you!

Dear little boy on Ellen: You are seriously the cutest!! 


Thursday, May 16, 2013

A very heavy heart today-prayers needed for a friend

Today I was going to do another Blog Every Day Challenge prompt today but I find that I cant. I have been mulling over whether to write something else or not since last night. I have decided to write this post, but with a extremely heavy heart

As I"m sure you've seen in many posts, I love children. I have many little cousins who make my life so happy and joyful. I also have a niece who has taught me so much in the year and a half she's been alive. Children are such a blessing. I cannot wait until the day I can have my own. I never really knew what love actually was until my niece came along. Being able to love something so small more than you could ever imagine. She's taught me about love, faith, happiness, hope, joy, inspiration. One thing that I'm looking forward to is that as she grows, I can be a role model and teach her right from wrong, how to love, how to give, how to learn and how to grow. But while I may have a list in my mind of all the ways I'll show her how to do these things and the lessons I'll preach to her, in reality, she'll be teaching me. I feel like I'm a patient person, most of the time at least. Sure I have may moments when I know something exciting is happening but I also know that things dont come faster and problems arent solved by being impatient. January of 2012, Brian and I went down to meet our niece for the first time. She was a month and two weeks old. I've been around babies, I know they cry, I know they cant say whats wrong but let me tel you, I had to learn patience very quick during that week. We watched her two different days. One day she slept the whole time. The second day, well, she wanted none of it. We tried and tried to calm her. It also didnt help that Brian was playing video games the whole time and trying to calm her in between periods. The crying last three hours. My ears are sensitive and so when there are loud noises for long periods of time I get kind of emotional. that didnt help either. We didn't know what she wanted, we didnt really know her everyday schedule, she was probably scared because here are to new people that she didnt know and she was still in that bonding with her parents stage. Our patience grew thin a little, I'll admit it. But thats expected from even the mother and father. Finally, after we calmed  she did. All she wanted was to be cuddled. From that day on, I feel alot more patient  I realize that the crying will stop eventually and that all will be fine in a matter of time.

When my niece was born she had to stay in the nicu for 5 days. She was two weeks early and her lungs werent quite right yet. She also had trouble feeding because of that. She went home and a few months later was put back in the hospital. Her breathing would suddenly stop for a few moments. It was such a scary time for us. Being a billion miles away and knowing we couldnt hold her or hug her was probably the most difficult thing we've been through. Luckily, she is ok and a happy healthy baby today!

My cousin got pregnant last year. Her son was due January 2013. My cousin got put in the hospital in September due to many problems. We all prayed so hard that her son would stay in and keep cooking as long as possible. Every night was a new milestone. He was born on Oct. 31st. Two months before he should of been. He fought for a very long time. He is now a happy baby who is unbelievably adorable. The only thing they arent sure about is if he's blind or not yet. He doesnt focus and so they arent sure if its just a lack of development from being early or if its blindness. I pray that its just developmental. Not that it would make us love him any less or make him overly special, I wouldnt want him to be blind. From someone who knows similarly how it is, its not something I would wish on anyone. 

While those two stories turned out good, the one I'm about to tell you about is weighting very heavy on my heart today

I have a friend. A friend who is wonderful. Shes not someone I've ever hung out with outside of school but I'd like to call her a good friend. She's the sweetest, most caring person. She's 23 but has made a good starting life for herself. She has a hubby, and the most supporting friends and family. 

She found out she was pregnant back in the fall. It was a boy. She was due this month, May. On January 23, 2013, that little boy was welcomed into this world. Way too soon. He fought  with strong family and parents by his side. he was a beautiful child. He was so tiny but the most precious little thing. I fell in love with him through pictures on facebook and he made me smile everyday  He was doing perfect and his future seemed positive. His parents were with him every minute and ave him strength  as he did for them. For the past month, my friend hasnt been posting pictures of him and hasnt talked about him. I thought that was weird  a little but figured she's helping him get well and was just busy. She'd post selfies or whatever she was doing that day but thats all. Last night as i was on facebook scrolling down the page looking at all these happy statuses, I see a long one from her. I looked at the bottom of the status first, no idea why. It said "he's with us every step of the way". At first I thought that she was updating us on how he's doing. But then I looked at the top of the status, like I should of in he first place. Well, this little boy passed away on March 30th. I cant even being to explain how bad my heart felt in that moment. Here he was, so very early but doing well, unlike many children who pass away right at birth. He was beautiful and had a promising future. My heart broke. She says she's been strong. She's a mess one day and fine another. She says that although its tough, she knows he's with her all the time. 

She mentioned Mother's Day and how incredible hard it was for her. Her very first Mother's Day that she had to spend alone. With all this baby boy stuff in her house. Today is her birthday also. she posted another status this morning that tugged at my heart. She said that she was supposed to spend her day with her baby boy. She said that she's celebrating today not because its her birthday, but because her son was in her life. The most powerful words I've heard in a very long time.

So, I ask you today to all pray for her and her family. To pray for her baby boy. God has a plan for that precious boy and maybe the plan started too soon but this boy will do great things. 

For all of you with child, especially boys, please hug them tighter or love them a little more today

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oh, How Pinteresting!

Happy Wednesday! Half way throuh the week already, such an exciting thing. I dont k now about whre you all are but here it's very warm and sunny. Beautiful day that I'll be fully taking advantage of!

So, finally I have jumped on the bandwagon and am going to do a Pinterest post. Yes, thats right, I do have a Pinterest. When I was in school it wasnt a priority so I barely have anything on it but if you want to follow me, go here. Here are a few of my favorites this week

Such a great idea! I'll admit, I've never been to a house that has created this on their wall. After getting on Pinterest i started seeing alot of ways that people have put this type of thing together. What made me fall in love with the idea was Ruthie's House Hunters episode. She did such a wonderful job with hers. I cannot wait to do this in my own home!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Taste of Tuesday-Fish Chowda

It's that time again: Tasty Tuesday!! 

I was debating between a few recipes because they are all so good but finally came up with a good one

We like to go to Maine, alot. When i was younger we'd go stay at a hotel up there for a week during the summer. We did this maybe 5 or 6 summers. It was a special time. My parents, grandmother and I went. Not only that but my aunt, uncle and cousins live up there so we go there alot. One of our traditions wen going to visit my family up there is to have Lobster. We only stay for the day but have a big lobster dinner. Maine is known for the best lobsters after all :)! Another thing we like is chowda. Granted you can get it anywhere, it seems that Maine is also wonderful for that. for a long time I wasnt a big chowda fan but I'm starting to like it again. 

When you go to the store and buy pre-made stuff its sometimes not good. Not fresh enough. My aunt was able to find a recipe for Fish Chowda that she's brought to Christmas for the past two years...soo good!! So thats what I want to share. Let me just say that Trader Joe's oyster crackers go perfect with this!

I have failed with a picture...

  • Salt pork or bacon 
  • 1 medium onion
  • 4 cups of potatoes (chunks)
  • 2 pounds of haddock
  • 1 can evaporated milk
  • 2 cups whole milk

  • Fry the salt pork or bacon.  You need to get about 3 tablespoons of fat.  The cooked pork or bacon can be used as a garnish later. Usually use half a package. No preference between pork or bacon.
  • Dice the onion and saute in the 3 tablespoons of fat until yellow, not burned.
  • Add the 4 cups of chunk potatoes
  • Break the fish into big chunks and layer it on top of the potatoes.
  • Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons of salt and half a teaspoon of pepper 
  • Add water to cover the potatoes.  Cover it now
  • Bring to boil and then simmer until the potatoes are tender but not overcooked.
  • Don't stir.  Stirring will make the fish mushy. You can break it up just a tad though!
  • When the potatoes are ready (and the fish should be cooked at this point), add 2 cups of whole milk and 1 can of evaporated milk
  • Stir to heat but don't boil.
  • The recipe says it's best the next day but we usually eat it right away.

And there you have it!!! Its not terribly hard to make and comes out so good! Enjoy :)

Linking up with Ashley and Jessica

Monday, May 13, 2013

"Oh, the places you'll go"....a special Mother's Day

Happy Monday to you all!!! I hope your weekends were filled with wonderful moments  Happy Mother's Day to you all with real babies and fur babies :)

The start of our weekend was pretty relaxing and then got so much better yesterday!!

Friday- It was gorgeous out!! And really hot. My mom an dI took Bailey for a small walk before my mom went to work and we only went around the block. The sun was so warn. It was nice though. And let me just say, thank goodness for central AC! Brian and I met up with my dad for dinner at the 99. Always so good

*Side note- can I just say that I hate people driving? Like its one of my biggest pet peeves. Does anyone else feel this way or am I crazy about it like Brian says? :) There are 3 exits after ours that are right after each other. Picture this: When you are taking the ramp to merge onto the highway from our exit you are in the very right hand lane. Well, this said lane is also the lane for the exit right after ours. This said lane and the lane to the left of it are basically an X. If you want to merge onto the highway you merge to the lane to the left of said lane. If you want to get to the exit, you have to merge into said lane. Confusing yet? Probably. Needless to say somethings its difficult to merge onto the actual highway because sometimes the cars in the left lane want to just go straight instead of merging into said lane.

On Friday was an example. Brian and I were actually going to take the exit instead of merging left this time. So, in that case, we just stayed in said lane. This white car wanted to merge onto the exit, which is the lane we are in. I have no idea what he thought he was doing but came inches, not even inches I'd say, from hitting us. If Brian had inched up about 2 inches it wouldnt of been good. The guy flipped Brian off and then beeped. He then procedded to move into the break down lane and zoom right by us. Then he threw a fight or something while waiting at the light. Moving his hand out the window and being stupid. I understand sometimes a car comes out of nowhere and blocks your path since you have the right away but this was just crazy. I dont understand why people have to e so mean when driving. Its not going to get you there any fast.*

Anyway, moving on: My dad and I then went shopping at Walmart and I got the cutest top for summer!

Photo by krissygirl13

Saturday- it was crappy outside. One of those days that you want to get out of the house but you also dont want to deal with the weather. My parents and I went shopping. Got my mom plants for Mother's Day. We went to visit my grandparents grave and bring my grandmother balloons. I always love going. Such a special few moments with them. Then we went to Sweet Kiwi for Frozen good!!! *Side note- my parents bought Brian and I each a gift card for Sweet Kiwi for Easter. The first time we went to use it they said the system had crashed so we couldnt use it. This time Brian wasnt with us so I tried to use it. After much talk about why it wouldnt work again, the owner came out and said they have no record of that particular card in their system. What? My parents paid $20 for them. At first they were going to let me use it but as i started, I was NOT about to let that much money go to waste. They honored it finally and gave me the balance in cash The rest of the night was spent watching favorite show!!

Mother's Day was amazing. I seriously love my family. I wont bore you with a long story so I'll make it short. My grandmother has 5 kids. 4 girls and a boy. One Aunt and her family live in Maine, my Uncle and his wife live in Vermont, and two aunts live here..each about 10 minutes away. Needless to say when there's a holiday (except Christmas) its usually just my parents, Brian, myself, my grandmother and an aunt that get together. Yesterday though everyone was able to be there..all 5 children. My grandmother was over the moon and we had so much fun.

Every year we go to a buffet that we love and treat my grandmother. So thats what we did. Great food, family and laughs. I'll let the pictures do the talking....


Terrible picture of me!!!

We had fun eating the cupcake frosting....

My grandmother's presents were designed into a puzzle. The title of it was "Oh, the places you'll go"
Instead of actually buying her something which will make more clutter in her apartment, we will be taking her different places she likes to go and just paying for her.

Our grandmother likes to rock Bailey's Irish cream....

Needless to say we had a great day. I hope you all did too!!!

Linking up with SamiLeeann and Sarah

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